A draft amendment, copy, version I move for an amendment. 修正草案、草稿、初稿.本席提议一项修正案。
They say the draft amendment follows repeated cases of forced confessions and mismanaged justice in China. 概要:我国最高立法机关将修订《刑事诉讼法》以防止法官听取刑讯逼供犯人的供词。
The changes to the draft amendment will help restructure the country's system of criminal law in accordance with its policy of "tempering justice with mercy". 对修正案草案所做的修改将有助于依照“宽严相济”的政策对国家的刑法体系进行重组。
The latest draft amendment of the Criminal Law also stipulates longer minimum jail terms for criminal offenders convicted of serious felonies. 最新的刑法草案修正案也规定了加长因严重罪行被定罪的犯人的最低刑期。
Under a draft legal amendment, elderly people could go to court to claim their right to be physically and mentally looked after by their children. 在一项法律草案中,老年人可以于庭上起诉,要求儿女在生理和精神上照顾自己。
According to the draft amendment, drunk drivers will have their license revoked once caught. 根据修正草案,酒后司机一次被抓将被吊销执照。
The draft of the seventh amendment to China's criminal law focuses on protecting people's privacy and places pyramid sales and insider trading under the crimes act. 中华人民共和国刑法第七修正案草案重点关注保护个人隐私,组织传销以及内幕交易等犯罪行为。
Division on the Crime of Influence Trading: Comprehensively Regulate Indirect Bribery Behavior& Comment on Draft of "Amendment on Criminal Law"( seven) Clause 增设影响力交易罪:全面规制间接受贿行为&兼评《刑法修正案》(七)草案第11条
That level of public feedback broke the previous record set in2006 with the release of a draft amendment to China's Labor Contract Law, the report said. 此次征集的意见数量打破了2006年《劳动合同法》修正案草案创造的记录。
The first generation ID cards, which are still valid, will become obsolete on Jan1,2013, according to the draft amendment. 根据修正案草案,现在仍可使用的一代证将于2013年1月1日起停止使用。
Furthermore, a draft amendment to the regulation on fodder and fodder additives was passed at the meeting in order to address the abuse of fodder additives. 此外,会议还通过了一部关于饲料和饲料添加剂法规的修正案,为的是解决滥用饲料添加剂的问题。
In the works for more than four years, the draft amendment was submitted for public comment after failing a review in the National People's Congress, China's legislature, in April. 历经四年多酝酿的个税修正案草案在今年4月未能通过全国人大的审议,之后公开向社会征求意见。
Observing the Development of Corporation Law in Our Country Through its Draft Amendment 从公司法修改草案看我国公司法的发展
The regulations concerning law-bending arbitration in the Sixth Draft of Amendment to Criminal Law have aroused widespread attention and extensive discussion which opposes the condemnation of law-bending arbitration. 最近,《刑法修正案》(六)草案中有关于枉法仲裁罪的规定引起社会各界的广泛关注和热烈讨论。
The legislative proposal of "Draft Amendment ( the third version) and Legislative Grounds for Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China" is of great benefit for it, but there still exist some issues which are open to discussion. 民诉法《修改建议稿(第三稿)及立法理由》对自认制度的立法建议颇有裨益,但亦有值得商榷之处。
The first section will elaborate the reason why the constitution of that time did not involve the territory clause, through the history material of discuss on this issue when draft and amendment of the constitution. 第一节围绕建国后宪法制定和修改过程中领土条款的讨论展开,通过史料详细阐述当时领土条款不予纳入宪法的原因。